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Žilvija Urbaitytė

Žilvija Urbaitytė

Every new action learned in the water is not only my ambition as a specialist, but also a big step in the baby’s perception of the world and senses. I am happy to contribute to their life story, their development and their fun and safe relationship with water. I also contribute to the arrival of the little ones into this world by making the waiting easier for expectant mothers with water activities.

Services provided

Individualus kūdikių plukdymas
Grupiniai kūdikių ir vaikų užsiėmimai baseine
Gupiniai nėščiųjų užsiėmimai baseine

Alma matter

Kaunas College

Lithuanian Sports University


Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Improving knowledge

  • “Basic Massage Training Programme” – 160 a.h.
  • “Physiotherapy for babies and children in water. Science-based methodologies” – 8 hours
  • “Monitoring infant physical and psychomotor development. When should rehabilitation professionals be concerned?”