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Sunday – a day with grandparents

A day with your grandparents, smelling of your grandmother’s pancakes and your grandfather’s stories about his first car – always authentic, always alive. Bambino Spa thinks it can strengthen the bond between grandchildren and grandparents by offering a special programme – halotherapy in the salt room.
Every Sunday, in the Bambino SPA at PLC Mega, grandparents can enjoy a special price in the salt room – ONLY 6 EUR.
Grandparents are welcome both with their grandchildren at the children’s sessions and alone at the quiet sessions for adults.
Taking advantage of the offer is as easy as buying eggs at the market:
  • Register for a children’s or relaxation session on any Sunday
  • When you arrive at Bambino SPA, tell the receptionist that you are a grandparent and want to take advantage of a special offer
  • Enjoy the benefits of halotherapy

For more information about halotherapy in the salt room and to register for a session, click here.

Bambino SPA reserves the right to change the conditions of the offer.

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